Get Your FREE Copy Of The Best-Selling Book

Teach And Grow Rich

Share Your Knowledge to Create Global Impact, Freedom and Wealth


What is Teach And Grow Rich?

Teach and Grow Rich isn't just another book about how to start an online business.

It's NOT about the latest "get rich quick scheme" or "money making opportunity".

Teach and Grow Rich is about the a powerful trend we're seeing in the modern education space, where people are moving AWAY from traditional education (that teaches a lot of theory on a topic) and TOWARDS the kind of education that allows them to achieve a specific objective.

Because of its academic roots, the traditional education infrastructure isn't equipped to provide the sort of training that people are seeking. And entrepreneurs are stepping in to fill that void.

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Build and Sell Premium Courses That Educate And Transform

Inside the book you will see the exact process that has been used by thousands of people to build and create online courses, based on the knowledge and skills they've acquired throughout their life.

These courses are at the core of their online businesses, which allow them to live life on their own terms; a life of freedom, impact and wealth.


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The Author, Danny Iny...

Hi! I'm Danny Iny - the founder of Mirasee, host of the Business Reimagined podcast, bestselling author of multiple books including Engagement from Scratch! and The Audience Revolution as well as the first edition of Teach and Grow Rich.

I'm also the creator of the Audience Business Masterclass and Course Builder’s Laboratory training programs, which have graduated more than 5,000 value-driven online entrepreneurs. I live in Montreal, Canada with my wonderful wife (and business partner) Bhoomi, and our two children, Priya and Micah.

An acclaimed teacher and author

Ryan Levesque

"When it comes to building your audience and designing online courses, Danny Iny is one of few experts I trust and personally follow - and someone I recommend all my customers follow as well."

-Ryan Levesque, entrepreneur, marketing strategist and best-selling author of Ask

Hal Elrod

"Danny Iny is revolutionizing internet marketing, courses, and all other forms of online education. His enlightened approach to generating a sustainable model for ongoing income and impact is unmatched, and is rivaled only by the level of integrity that is present in everything that he does."

-Hal Elrod, #1 international best-selling author of The Miracle Morning, a Hall of Fame business achiever, and host of the Achieve Your Goals podcast

Mitch Joel

"Danny... is always full of energy, insight and passion for what people need to learn to truly be successful. ...I would not hesitate to recommend him or his company, based solely on his kindness, integrity and intensity."

- Mitch Joel, President and 'Media Hacker' at Mirum, the global digital marketing agency operating in 20 countries, one of the top 100 online marketers in the world, and author of bestsellers Six Pixels of Separation and CTRL ALT Delete

Sean Platt

"We've all heard the old adage about 'teaching a man to fish.' I love Danny's ethic because he doesn't believe in doing things any other way. A fantastic teacher, [and] a brilliant entrepreneur."

-Sean Platt, founder of the STERLING & STONE STORY STUDIO with six reader-loved imprints, author and co-author of dozens of highly rated novels, as well as best-selling nonfiction

Teach and Grow Rich -
The second edition of Danny Iny's
bestselling guide to the online courses industry

Audience Business

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The first edition got rave reviews on

Here are just a few of the things you'll learn inside
Teach and Grow Rich (2nd Edition):

  • Why there's now an ocean of opportunity for anyone who has useful knowledge and is willing to share it with others
  • What democratized access, impact potential and the "fat tail" mean for you as an entrepreneur with an interest in sharing your knowledge
  • The co-creation process that almost guarantees your course will be a success - and the stories of many education entrepreneurs who have applied co-creation principles in selling and building their courses
  • The two fundamentally different paradigms of business -- publishing vs. education -- and why the best value for learners *and* teachers lies in education
  • Undeniable proof that the opportunity to teach and grow rich doesn’t favor only those who have specialized expertise, business experience, or vast resources (almost anyone can seize this opportunity and attain wealth, impact, and lifestyle freedom)
  • What our surveys revealed about the growing sophistication of the online education market and its willingness to pay premium prices for valuable learning experiences
  • How to choose a hyper-narrow and specific topic for your first (pilot) online course and validate it against real-world data
  • Why and how to sell your course *before* you build it - even if you don’t have an audience yet
  • How to gather meaningful feedback from your students and use it to keep making your courses better
  • What the paradox of scale means for your capability to enrol greater numbers of students - and how to overcome this challenge with quality content and reliable student support systems
  • How to break free of formal education's constraints and reimagine education as a more flexible, adaptable and *engaging* force for good, via the internet
  • Why education entrepreneurship is the path to financial comfort, lifestyle freedom, meaningful work *and* making the world a better place
Audience Business

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Now you have a choice to make...

...The first option is that you could close this web page, go back to whatever you were doing before you came here, and forget about creating a successful online course. But that would be a shame, because people need (and are willing to pay for) what you could teach them.

...The second option is that you could decide to build and sell your online course *without* reading Teach and Grow Rich. It's certainly possible to go that route -- but wouldn't you achieve success faster with the insights of more than a dozen experts to inform and guide you?

...The third option -- the one I hope you'll choose -- is to claim your FREE copy of Teach and Grow Rich, read it through, and *then* put what you've learned into action to create a course that profoundly changes your life AND the lives of your students.

Here Is My "Teach And Grow Rich" Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you'll love this book. If you claim your free copy, read it and DON'T love every minute of it, I'll return your $7.95 shipping and let you keep the book anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me and I'll give you back your money.

With my money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose.

Here's why you need to act now...

Right now we only have a limited number of printed copies of the book. And when they're gone... there's no guarantee that there will be another round of books printed for this offer.

If you're reading this page, then there are still some books available, but it could come down at any time.

I hope that you'll take action now and take advantage of this offer.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter.

To you future success,

Or do you leave this page, push the thought to the back of your mind and carry on down a long, wearying path of figuring everything out for yourself, one isolated piece at a time, through trial and error?

The choice is up to you.

danny iny sign

Danny Iny
Founder/CEO at Mirasee

P.S. If you just skipped to the bottom of the page (like most people!), here's the deal:

I'm willing to mail you a free physical copy of my latest book, "Teach and Grow Rich", which shows you how to Share Your Knowledge to Create Global Impact, Freedom and Wealth.

This usually retails at $16.95, but you can get a copy for FREE, by simply paying for the shipping of $7.95, anywhere in the world.

This isn't a trick, or a gimmick. There is absolutely no catch.

If fact, if you get your copy and you aren't absolutely thrilled by the message and process it outlines, I'll happily refund you every cent of the $7.95 you paid to have the book shipped to you.

So, click the button below to get your FREE copy now.

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